About Voice Therapy

Attempting to change your voice on your own can be frustrating, confusing, and may lead to damage to your vocal cords. Authentic Voices will help you find your ideal voice while also keeping you healthy.

What does voice therapy entail?

Successful voice modification requires a thoughtful and multifaceted approach that extends far beyond raising or lowering pitch. In order to help bring you closer to a voice that matches your true self, we will work on a combination of the following features:

  • Pitch describes the frequency of your voice, or how “low” or “high” it is. This is typically the first thing people think of when considering the differences between masculine vs. feminine presenting voices. Voice therapists often work with transgender individuals to help them adjust the pitch of their voice to align with their gender more closely.

  • Resonance is the quality of the voice that is determined by the size and shape of the vocal tract. A larger vocal tract, typically the result of testosterone during puberty, results in a “darker” sound. A smaller vocal tract creates a “brighter” sound. Voice therapists work with clients to utilize strategies to change the resonance of their voice.

  • This refers to the variation in pitch across a sentence. For example, to demonstrate that we are asking a question, intonation goes up at the end of a sentence. Perceptually feminine voices are often (although not always) associated with a more varied range of pitches, while perceptually masculine speakers tend to speak in a more monotone or staccato fashion. This aspect can be adjusted to align with the individual client’s goals.

  • Beyond the sound of the voice, these strategies focus more on communication patterns including speech rate, speech patterns, and body language. Transgender individuals may also work on these aspects to align their communication style with their gender identity.

  • Vocal hygiene refers to the ways in which we keep the voice healthy. Examples include staying hydrated, taking time for vocal rest, and managing acid reflux.

Our Services

Individual Sessions

Individual sessions include 50 minutes of instruction and practice with real-time feedback from a trained speech-language pathologist. After each session, you will be provided with a homework packet that will help you target your specific goals and guide you during your home practice throughout the week.